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Smart Campus (SC)
BGIL is one of the leading automation provider introduces Smart Campus with smartcard, RFID and other cutting edge technologies into campus automation. Our prime focus is to provide educational institutions with latest cost effective technology to enhance its functionality and efficiency.
What is Smart Campus?
The Smart card is a chip based plastic card on which data is stored. A single card can be used for many types of applications and services like electronic purse/ debit card/ credit card/ health/ insurance/ loyalty etc. We understood the existing needs of the schools and colleges and carried out an extensive market research, which enables you to run your educational institution more effectively. The smart card can also be used as an identity card.
The Basic Reasons For Implementing Smart Card Technology are:-
Accurate Information:- All the information pertaining to students like attendance, fees, academic details will be maintained in accurate way. Whenever a student wants to view the above-mentioned details he can insert his card and view the same. This reduces wastage of time of both the students and the staff.
No Information Loss:- Manual maintenance of records and files may sometimes-loose valuable data, but with our package information will be maintained efficiently. As the Smart card can also serves the purpose of identity card, hence there is no need to use a separate identity card.
Kiosk Display:- BGIL’s Smart Campus application also displays the student related information on a kiosk wherein a student can go to the kiosk and show his card to the reader located there and can get access to all his information.
Various Transactions Performed:-
Attendance:- Students and staff's attendance can be maintained. Latecomers list along with details both for the staff and students can be displayed.
Fees:- Amount of fees to be collected from each class as well as from each student can be displayed. Respective due details will be displayed.
Canteen:- All the operations in the canteen like menu, billing etc can be computerized. Our package provides an additional facility to provide Kiddy Bank i.e. each student will be provided with a smart card in that some amount will be deposited by his parent, whenever student purchases anything in canteen the same will be deducted from the card.
Examinations:- This package enables to generate timetable automatically. Question papers can also be generated from the existing question bank. It provides with an option of declaring holidays, scheduling for the exams etc. Progress reports can also be generated.
Library:- Provides catalogue of the books, most frequently used books, books under issue, due date, lost books details etc. Apart from these day-to-day transactions can also be maintained.